Barbara Ponticelli

MetroOffice Architetti / Cofondatrice Co-founder

Firenze, Toscana, Italy


Barbara Ponticelli si Laurea in Architettura a Firenze. Gli ambiti sono l’allestimento di mostre, le ristrutturazioni, la progettazione di abitazioni fino ad arrivare alla scala dell’arredo, di negozi e spazi di lavoro, arrivando ad una sperimentazione di linguaggi e un’attenzione al dettaglio e alle soluzioni possibili. Nel 2006 fonda lo studio MetroOffice architetti e nel 2018 la società di ingegneria MetroOffice entrambi con Fabio Barluzzi, per la progettazione di aziende manifatturiere e uffici, dai layout distributivi fino ai particolari che caratterizzano i brand per cui lavora.


Barbara Ponticelli graduated in Architecture in Florence. Her work includes exhibitions, renovations, the design of single-family houses down to the furniture scale, shops and workspaces, with special attention to detail and different solutions. In 2006 she founded MetroOffice architects with Fabio Barluzzi. In 2018 they also founded the engineering company MetroOffice, to carry out large-scale projects: design of manufacturing companies and offices, from the layout distribution of flows to the details in order to strongly characterize the different brands.


Principali ambiti di progettazione

Architettura d’Interni, Architettura

Main fields

Interior Architecture, Architecture


interessata a partecipare a


interested in 



#architettura #progettosostenibile #manifatture #uffici #workspace


text by the architect.
photo credits:
Marco Cappelletti

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RebelArchitette, is an Italian not for profit association advocating for equality, respect and justice in architecture.

In 2018 we were flash mobbing in Venice together with VowArchitects thanks to a generous call made by Caroline James and Louise Braverman architects.

When invited by Alessandro Melis to coordinate a section entitled  Decolonising the Built Environment, we decided to share this opportunity with all the Italian female professionals we would love to see in newspapers, books, conferences for their outstanding value.

Enjoy and let us know what you think 😉


Phone: +39 035 237939