Silvia Kliti

MKS architetti / Cofondatrice Co-founder

Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy


Silvia Kliti nel 2015 fonda MKS architetti con Fabio Mancini. La loro ricerca si basa sullo studio dell’evoluzione dell’architettura tradizionale, rendendo le persone e le interazioni sociali il principale materiale da costruzione. Nel 2017 lo studio entra nella TOP10 di studi di architettura italiani UNDER 36. Dal 2019 MKS è parte del gruppo di lavoro che si occupa della progettazione per la realizzazione di un nuovo quartiere a Salisburgo. Oggi lo studio svolge la sua attività in Italia ed in Austria continuando la sua ricerca attraverso concorsi di progettazione architettonica e urbana.


Silvia Kliti founded MKS architetti with Fabio Mancini in 2015. The office carries out research on the evolution of traditional architecture, trying to build a manifesto for the site and using social themes and people as building materials. In 2017 the office is awarded by NIB among the 10 best architectural Italian firms UNDER 36. Since 2019, MKS architects is part of a team who is working on the project of a new neighbourhood in Salzburg. Today, MKS architects is working in Italy and Austria and developing its research by taking part to architectural and urban competitions.


Principali ambiti di progettazione

Architettura, Urbanistica

Main fields

Architecture, Urban Planning


interessata a partecipare a

Giurie, eventi in qualità di relatrice, attività di mentoring (sostegno ad altre professioniste)

interested in 

Juries, public speaking, mentoring


#architecture #urbanproject #competition #space #sharing


text by the architect.
photo credits:
2: MKS architetti
3: MKS architetti
4: Alessio Mitola
5: Alessio Mitola

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RebelArchitette, is an Italian not for profit association advocating for equality, respect and justice in architecture.

In 2018 we were flash mobbing in Venice together with VowArchitects thanks to a generous call made by Caroline James and Louise Braverman architects.

When invited by Alessandro Melis to coordinate a section entitled  Decolonising the Built Environment, we decided to share this opportunity with all the Italian female professionals we would love to see in newspapers, books, conferences for their outstanding value.

Enjoy and let us know what you think 😉


Phone: +39 035 237939